PACKAGE |STAT Data Manipulation and Analysis, by Gary Perlman
NAME repeat - repeat input strings or files
SYNOPSIS repeat [-fi] [-l maxlines] [-n count] [-] [files]
DESCRIPTION repeat repeatedly prints its argument files as many times as requested. If no files are specified, the standard input is read. The special file name - is allowed to refer to the standard input.
Insert a formfeed before each repetition. This allows pagination of output for most printers.
Repeat lines inside files. For example, if a file has the days of the week, each on its own line, then two copies with this option will produce:
-l maxlines
Set the maximum number of lines to be read.
-n count
Set the number of repetitions of each input file. By default, one copy is printed.

The following standard help options are supported. The program exits after displaying the help.
Display limits
Display options and values
Display version number and date
repeat -n 10                  # input from tty is reprinted 10 times
pr file | repeat -n 5         # pr output is repeated five times
echo hello | repeat -n 20     # 20 hello's are printed
repeat -n 20 hello            # the file hello is repeated
BUGS The name repeat is a reserved word in csh. The program should be installed as rep instead.
LIMITS Use the -L option to determine the program limits.
SEE ALSO series to generate an additive series.
perm to randomize or sort lines.
UPDATED October 13, 1986