PACKAGE |STAT Data Manipulation and Analysis, by Gary Perlman
NAME series - generate an additive series of numbers
SYNOPSIS series start end [stepsize]
DESCRIPTION series prints the real numbers from start to end, one per line. If stepsize is not specified, it is assumed to be of unit size. series begins with start to which stepsize is repeatedly added or subtracted, as appropriate, to approach, possibly meet, but not pass end.
EXAMPLE To make a random permutation of the numbers 1 to 100:
series 1 100 | perm
series 100 1 | perm
LIMITATIONS The reported number of significant digits is limited. If the ratio of the series range to the stepsize is too large, several numbers in a row will be equal.

The maximum length of a series is limited to the size of the maximum long integer that can be represented on the machine in use. Exceeding this value has undefined results.

SEE ALSO repeat to repeat strings/files.
probdist to generate series based on probability distributions.
dm to manipulate contents of lines.
perm to randomize or sort lines.
UPDATED October 24, 1986